

Physical Activities

More attention is paid to the Physical development of the students through P.T., Games, Sports and Gymnastics. The school has very vast playground, where facilities exits for most of the major games like-Hockey, Football, volley ball, Basket ball, Cricket, Badminton, Yogas, Athletes. Training of martial arts like judo and Karate is also given to the students. Facilities for indoor games like Table Tennis, Chess, Carrom are also available here.



The School has two troops of N.C.C. for boys and girls separately.


Arts and crafts

Drawing, Painting, Dance and music etc. are the main parts of the syllabus up to std.X


Dramatics & Cultural Programmes

Several competitions within & out of the school are organized in different activities, such as debates, Quiz contest, Group discussion, Eloquence, Speeches, Games and sports etc.


Excursions and Tours

Excursions and Trips are integral part of educational programmes. They broaden the understanding and enrich the experience of students through direct purposeful observations. Every precaution is taken for the safety of the students.


Councelling & Guidance

Individual councelling and guidance by experienced and competent teachers are provided to the students mentally undeveloped and retarded for their personal progress and success in their future life.


Moral Education

In order to develop moral sence among the students, Moral education is imparted to them by celebrating different functions and arranging spiritual occasions regularly.

Singing hymns and prayer is daily routine of the school. Students are trained to respect all the religions and the people of different communities.


Work Experience

A varienty of programmes are undertaken in work experience viz-Leather work (Bags and purses), Fabric painting and printing Soft toys and wall show pieces etc. Work experience is a compulsory subject for the classes IX to Xll. It also includes active participation in national adult literacy programme as per the directives of Board.

computer education

Computer Education

Very well equipped computer room for both senior and junior is the center of great attraction to the students. They get computer training from well qualified teachers and every individual student is provided (Without waiting for the turn) with separate computer. The School has introduced computer science as a subject in classes l to Xll. This course is intended to enable the students to take computer science as an optional subject in the Board Examinations conducted by C.B.S.E Delhi.